Finding rock groupies: Mineral collecting and care
When did collecting geological samples morph into a hobby? Humans have always been curious about their surroundings, and collecting minerals […]
When did collecting geological samples morph into a hobby? Humans have always been curious about their surroundings, and collecting minerals […]
If you were royalty, would you want an Iron Throne or a crown made of precious minerals? While the regal […]
Looking through my jewelry drawer, I recently recovered my “singles pouch,” a Ziploc bag with close to 10 unique earrings, […]
Image: Nona Inescu looking at her work, Deep Breathing, at LISTE Art Fair in Basel, Switzerland, June 2019. Courtesy of […]
Everyone knows the token adage of the wine glass—your worldview depends on whether you view the glass as half-full or […]
Collectors are commissioning more artwork—from self-portraits to site-specific sculptures—for their property and offices. Working with an artist brings many arts […]