Thoughts from the marketplace: the benefits of choosing an independent agent

How agents help their customers’ insurance needs align with their multifaceted lives

Selecting an insurance agent for personal insurance is a significant decision, one that can affect treasured items. But which agent should customers choose, and importantly, what kind of agent do they need? Where captive agents are bound to a single company’s offerings, independent agents have more flexibility in what they can bring to the customer. Berkley One has always believed that independent agents offer an amazing experience, one boasting tailored service and expert advice. But don’t just take our word for it. Here, independent agents Danny Wilk of Wilk Insurance, Mike Iverson of Oakbridge Insurance, and Thomas DiCarlo of Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc., provide a closer look at why working with an independent agent can be an excellent decision for your insurance needs.


Personalized Service


It’s no secret that independent agents offer access to a variety of insurance providers. Unlike captive agents who represent a single insurance company, independent agents can suggest policies from multiple insurers. Customers can then compare coverages and prices across different providers to find the best match for their unique needs. Starkweather & Shepley’s Thomas DiCarlo said: “As we’re currently in a hard market, your independent agent must be on top of their game to carve out the best solution for you. They may have to work with different carriers for the best outcome, and they definitely have to be creative.”

“A great agent loves the challenge, and the chance find innovative solutions for their clients. Personally, I always want the best solution no matter what. Finding that for my client always feels rewarding.”

An independent agent’s relationship with clients also goes beyond insurance policies. Agents offer personalized service to customers. They take the time to understand a customer’s specific needs, preferences, and circumstances. This allows them to adjust their recommendations if the customer wants to buy a new home or has a child or grandchild.“Offering a personalized experience makes my work special,” added DiCarlo. “That tailored experience allows customers to trust us. Personally, I hold trustworthiness as a core value. Belief in someone is rooted in continuity, and Starkweather has been in business for 145 years. Personalizing the experience over many years creates long-term, sometimes generational, relationships.”


Community Ties


For independent agents, earning a client’s trust is vital, and so is being rooted in their community. A perk of working with independent agents is their ability to offer those ties. They understand the specific risks and needs of their area better than most, which allows them to give relevant advice. Oakbridge Insurance’s Mike Iverson said:

“It’s a people job and a big part of it is knowing their communities. If you don’t love that part, you shouldn’t be in it.”

“We are the grand translator for customers, so it’s important to know the local challenges they face. We think deeply about their lives to find a great solution. That part is never repetitive for me. Sometimes you take work home, but that caring allows you to be creative in terms of solutions.”


Experience and Expertise


Did you know that independent agents also pride themselves on their expertise and experience? They are well-versed in the details of different insurance products and the insurers who offer them. This expertise enables them offer clear explanations so customers can make informed decisions. They’re impartial. This neutrality ensures that the recommendations they provide are genuinely aligned with customer needs. “One of my favorite parts about being an agent is that I get to be an interpreter in some ways,” said Wilk Insurance’s Danny Wilk.

“I enjoy explaining different insurance offerings in such a way that people understand it. That’s the difference between being an independent agent and a captive one. Of course, a captive agent explains coverage, but an independent agent does this across different carriers. I use my expertise to translate to the customers. My mind is always figuring out different ways to assist.”

For an independent agent, it’s about continuous support. They want to ensure that a customer’s coverage remains optimal and up to date. “We’re trying to make life easier for our clients,” added Iverson. “Clients don’t need to be sold on a product. They need the information to help them make an informed choice and having a long-term relationship with the right agent will help them achieve it.” Selecting an independent agent can be a nod toward relationship building. Going this route often means establishing a lasting relationship with a trusted advisor.

“If the client isn’t educated about the carrier, we’ll do that,” DiCarlo said. “We’ll educate them about the provider and the coverages. We’re ready to advocate for them.”

Choosing an independent agent offers many benefits that can greatly enhance a customer’s experience. From providing a wider range of options and personalized service to acting as their advocate and leveraging local knowledge, independent agents are dedicated to keeping a customer’s best interests at heart. By establishing a long-term relationship with an independent agent, customers can gain a trusted advisor who helps to ensure that their insurance needs evolve with their multifaceted lives.

Berkley One is a Berkley Company and a provider of customizable insurance solutions for modern families. We can help you protect the things you love. Learn more about our insurance offerings—including solutions for homes, condos, rentals, autos including collector vehicles, liability, fine art, jewelry, collectibles, recreational marine and more here.